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Tournament Empty Tournament

Post  Xersos Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:11 am

This topic will be open when tournament begins.

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Tournament Empty King Vegetas kindness

Post  Admin Wed Jul 28, 2010 4:13 am

King Vegeta and his great kindness has informed me that he will use his connections with the people he knows and teleport anybody that isn't on Vegeta to Vegeta for the first annual Tournament. There are these few rules.

1. Fight fairly yet fiercely (read the how to roleplay thread)

2. Stepping on the ground outside the arena will get you disqualified.

3.fighting after the one person is knocked out will get you disquailifed

4.each won fight will gain you 20k pl

Here are your pairings!

1. Sabastian Vs kyle-winnner= kyle.

2.Xersos vs Megan-Xersos winner

3.Cmaster vs Narcissis-Narcissis winner

4.smithi vs Drago-winner drago

5. Brandon vs Kasey-winner kasey

Make the best Warrior win!


Posts : 496
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Age : 31


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Tournament Empty Narcissis vs Xersos

Post  Xersos Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:39 pm

William Glancy 6:26 pm
I walk into the area and stand opposite Xersos...
Ivica Kedačić 6:27 pm
I also walk into the arena and stand oppisite Narcissis, i bow..
William Glancy 6:27 pm
I bow to Xersos...
William Glancy 6:28 pm
A smile spreads across my face and I charge in at him. I punch at his head and then bring my knee up at his stomach and then I finish my spin kicking at his head...
Ivica Kedačić 6:30 pm
I dodge the punch in the head, but he hit mi in the stomach, and spin kick in the head, i almost hit the wall. Oho i say. I then start gathering my ki in my hands, they begin to glow,i then start to fire a ki blast's at him....
cmaster2melt has been invited. 6:30 pm
William Glancy 6:33 pm
I let the ki blast move in and close the distance. I put my hands to my side and begin charging my ki. Just before the blast gets to my I disappear and reappear behind Xersos. I shout "SUPER KAMEHAMEHA!!" I fire a massive beam of ki at him...
Ivica Kedačić 6:36 pm
To bad, your Super kamehame wave hit the air were my body was and destroy half the wall. I then reappear on the right site of Narcissis and begin's to puch him with the barrage if kicks and punches, knees and elbowes...
William Glancy 6:41 pm
Much to my surprise Xersos disappears he appears next to me and catches me by surprise. I am hit by his attacks eventually manage to regain my composure and get away from Xersos. I dodge out of sight and then rush back in at him I kick at his ribs and then punch towards his head...
Ivica Kedačić 6:42 pm
I start powering up the aure as he is getting close, i release very powerful, white-clear blast...
William Glancy 6:45 pm
The blast blows me back and I tumble end over end. I manage to stop myself. I glare at Xersos and hold up my right hand. I charge a large ball of ki in my hand and shout, "BIG BANG ATTACK!!" and fire the ball of ki at him...
Ivica Kedačić 6:49 pm
I see the ball of ki going at me. I curl my fingers and place both ,my hands together at chest level facing the same direction i start to channel the ki, and i begins to power up, i shout "GALICK GUN" and fire a fuchsia-colored energy beam at his ki ball...
William Glancy 6:52 pm
My ki ball races in at Xersos and collides with your Galick Gun.. I furrow my brow and push the ball forward as hard as I can..
Ivica Kedačić 6:55 pm
His ball is pushing my beam, i start's to power up i and i create the aura around, my power up is making craks on the floor, i gather the ki and sent it on my beam at Narcissis ball, hoping to shake it....
William Glancy 6:59 pm
I growl from the effort it takes to hold Xersos's Galick Gun at bay. I charge up my power and my aura grows around me. I decide a new tactic is necesary. I release the energy I am puting into the ki ball and disappear. I reappear behind Xersos and spin kick at his back. I raise my right hand and create a disc of energy. I shout, "DESTRUCTO DISC" and hurl the deadly disc at his back...
Ivica Kedačić 7:05 pm
The ki ball is gone and my beam hit't the building and the building explode, and it release the smoke cloude on the floor, i am hit by the kick in the back, and sen't flying into the smoke cloud, the disc is following me. My body explode with crimson flames as i fly from the smoke towards the Narcissis with the disc behind me....
William Glancy 7:06 pm
I use my telekinesis and try and hold Xersos in place. I try and force my thoughts into his head and tell him to stand in the way of the incoming energy disc...
Ivica Kedačić 7:11 pm
" Hahaha, you stay" - I say telepathic to the Narcissis, and i shout Kaoken X10 and once again my body exsplode from the crimosone flames, and my body increase in size, i hit the Narcissis in the stomach, while his disc is still following me, i then fly behind him while the disc is behind me....
William Glancy 7:14 pm
Xersos's punch slams into my stomach. I growl in anger. "Two can play at that game. Kaio-ken x10!!" I out run the disc and charge at Xersos. I bring my knee up to his stomach and then fly up into the air...
Ivica Kedačić 7:17 pm
Uh, his knee hit may stomach... I gather the ki and my aura power up with crimsone flames coming from my body, and my hand sparkled as i fired a Ki beam at the dics.......
William Glancy 7:18 pm
I grin down at Xersos. I charge my power up and my aura turns to a deep red. I bring my hands to my side as I charge my ki. I shout, "SUPER KAMEHAMEHA!!" and fire it him...
Ivica Kedačić 7:22 pm
The dics is destroyed by my blast. I make my stance and i cried Kaoken x20 my body again increse in size and my aura becomes more crimosn like living fire, the flor begins to shake from power. I then extends the arms and open my palm and turn the hand up at a 90 degree angle, i start to gather the ki in that spot a powerful whitish-yellow energy sphere begins flashing, and i releaset it towards the Super kamehame wave...
William Glancy 7:25 pm
Our energies collide... Xersos energy begins to overtake mine. "No this can't be... I don't have a choice...KAIOKEN x20!!" My muslce bulge and swell I force the power into my super kamehameha and it grows to a huge size and pushes the energy back at Xersos...
Ivica Kedačić 7:28 pm
Hahaha,,,,,, i try to hold the ball but his beam is stronger, i then reach deep inside and power up my body sink in to the ground as i charge the ki ball, it becomes bigger and i start pushing it towards the Narcissis...
William Glancy 7:34 pm
"aaaahhhhhh. I... need...more... power..AAAAAHHHHH!!" My hair turns yellow and my eyes turn green. My aura bursts to life around me and become yellow. I charge even more energy into my kamehameha and send it racing back at Xersos...
Ivica Kedačić 7:37 pm
Oh no, tham it. I know this will do, I disappear and reappear behind Narcissis, and while in my kaoken x20 i hit him with my leg in the head then i shoot a ki blast at his chest....
William Glancy 7:45 pm
My kamehame over takes Xersos's energy and slams into the ground. It blows a massive crater in the ground. As I wait for the smoke to clear Xersos appears next to me. Kicks me in the head and my head moves slightly from the impact. Then he shoots me with ki. A small cloud envelopes me and quickly fades. Revealing my power aura as it radiates yellow. "Come on Xersos show me your true power... you know you can't beat me without it..." I rush in at Xersos and elbow him in the ribs. Then I spin kick him in the head to send him flying to the ground. I hold out my hand and charge a large ball of ki and shot it at him...
Ivica Kedačić 7:50 pm
I saw the land is coming closer, i screamed: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, i fell how my power is rising. My hair becomes golden in color and seems to stand on end, giving it a rising, flame-like appearance, My ye color temporarily changes to a greenish-blue, muscle tone becomes more defined, i exsplodet with the yellow aura making the carate in the ground. I looked at the larg ball of ki that is coming to me, i rise my arm and hit it like the ball, returning it to the Narcissis....
William Glancy 7:52 pm
I catch the ball as it returns to me. "HAHAHA thats more like it." I add more energy to the ball and hurl it back at Xersos...
Ivica Kedačić 7:55 pm
Hahah you like the play, So lets play. I stand still waiting to ball to come closer, i then yell and i release white-clear blast now yellow because of my aura, and the ball is destroyes in the process, it creates a smoke. I power up and fly to the Narcissis, with the barrage of punch , kick, elbows, and knee, trying to hitt him in any part of the body...
William Glancy 7:59 pm
I see xersos charge in punching and kicking. I block and dodge a few but some slip in and hit me. I shout, "Kiai" release energy to blow him back. I shoot a barrage of ki blasts at him and the charge up a large ball of ki over my head and hurl it at him...
Ivica Kedačić 8:01 pm
He blow me back with his Kiai, but i release a several Afterimage of me, and i charget the ki with my hands and i release it to counter his large ball of ki, i then gather the ki in my right hand and i fly with my right hand like bettering ram towards his face.....
William Glancy 8:04 pm
I keeping hitting the random images trying to find the real one. When suddenly one of the images rushes at me. I don't have time to counter so I release energy and create an energy barrier around my body. I can't get it full formed in time and only lessen the blow. His hand slams into my face and sends me flying back...
I fall to the ground and charge ki in my hands. I disappear and appear above him and shout, "SUPER KAMEHAMEHA!!" and fire it down at him...
Ivica Kedačić 8:07 pm
I narrowly manage to dodge the blast but the blast scratch me on my right shoulder, i scream of pain, i then ram him with my shoulder....
(Will be ok i we take the brak i need to eat something i am hungry )
William Glancy 8:08 pm
haha yeah thats fine..
let me know where you get back
Ivica Kedačić 8:19 pm
i am back
William Glancy 8:22 pm
I get hit by the shoulder ram, but grab hold of xersos. I fly towards the ground as fast as I can and at the last moment I let go of xersos and IT up into the air...
Ivica Kedačić 8:24 pm
I again see the floor comming so fast but i disappear and reappear so close to the Narcissis, that i put my hand on his chest and fire a ki beam.......
William Glancy 8:27 pm
The ki blast hits me square in the chest and blows a hole right through me... a grin spreads across my after images face before he fades away. I place my hand on his back and fire a large ki beam at him...
Disconnected. 8:28 pm
Ivica Kedačić has entered the room. 8:29 pm
William Glancy (Narcissis754) has entered the room. 8:29 pm
Ivica Kedačić 8:31 pm
Tham you.aaaaaaaaaa I release the yellow ki blast in all of dirrection to hit him, I hit him with my blast as he fire a large ki beam at me, the beam exsplodet. I fly with my charget punch at him once again aiming this time his chest....
William Glancy 8:37 pm
I am blown back by his energy. I get hit in the chest and I fly back away from him. I rub my chest where he hit me and laugh. I zoom back in at him and kick at his face. I spin and bring my knee up to his stomach and then try and slam my fists down on top of his head...
1752849845@facebook.aol 8:40 pm
He hit me with the kick in the face and in the stomach, i put my hands above me and block his slam attack,i then use my legs on him and push myself from him, i make a flip in the air and fire a ki ball at him.....
William Glancy 8:42 pm
I punch the ki ball back at xersos and charge in behind it. When I get close I fly up above xersos and fire a ki ball down at him...
1752849845@facebook.aol 8:47 pm
I disappear and reappear Above him , and i started to gather the energy in my 2 hads, i form a bright ball of ki in my hands, i pull my hands back to my sides and charges a Galick Gun in each hand. Then i fires them forward so that they merge into one large Galick Gun wave, towards the Narcissis, shouting DOUBLE GAICK GUN.......
William Glancy 8:53 pm
I turn and see Xersos charging up his attack. He fires it down at me I extend my energy into a barrier around me. The blast slams into and sends me fall to the ground. I manage to hold back the enegry from getting to me, but I can't stop myself from falling. I get closer and closer. Just before I hit the ground I smile and disappear. I appear next to xersos and touch his shoulder. I teleport us both under his attack and then leave him...
1752849845@facebook.aol 8:58 pm
Whaaatttaaaa....... I slam the ground and my own energy blast hit me. The blast creates a huge exsplozion on the ground , and shakes the earth, it creates the crate in the ground, now ower half of the arena is destroyed in the proces. While the smokes clear, there si no one around, I teleport above him and ram him down into the ground....
William Glancy 9:01 pm
I float in the air laughing heartily to myself and then am hit in the back by xersos. I fly towards the ground. I slow my decent and look back up at Xersos. "How did that feel." I laugh I fly back up to xersos and punch towards his stomach. I fly back a bit and fire a few ki blasts at him...
1752849845@facebook.aol 9:05 pm
I am hit in the stomech, and the blast. I am missing a piece of clothes, and my hand is bleeding. You did manage to hit me with the blast, my blast. I then relese the 4 afterimage, i than starts to charge the energy and shout Galick gun i sent a ki beam at him. My others afterimages also start to charge the galick gun and fire it at Narcissis....
William Glancy 9:10 pm
I cross my arms in front of my head and create an energy barrier around myself. The galick gun wave hits me and send me flying to the ground. I am sent hurling to the earth. I hit the ground and there is a massive explosion. It takes a while for the smoke to clear but when it does I am standing in a massive crater that once was the tournament arena. My clothes are torn. I shrug my shoulders. "Not bad." I hold my hand up and aim it at Xersos I shout, "BIG BANG ATTACK!!" and fire it at xersos. I disappear and reappear behind him and kick him in the back at the ball of ki...
1752849845@facebook.aol 9:13 pm
Ahahah i laught while flying toward the ki ball, I disappear and appear behind him and i punch him twice in the face with my lef end right fist than i use my knee to hit him in the stomach, and i kick him sending towards his blast.....
William Glancy 9:15 pm
I get hit by his punches and grab his leg as he kicks me. I spin him around in a circle and then release him and throw him in my ki ball...
1752849845@facebook.aol 9:18 pm
I teleportet in front of him i put hands close to the center of my face with the fingers spread toward the eyes. I shout "SOLAR FLARE".Blinding blue light fires out that blinds everything watching. I then fly up while the ki ball is headed to Narcissis...
William Glancy 9:24 pm
I am blinded by the solar flare and rub my eyes from the pain. I know that my attack is still heading toward me. I create a barrier around myself and hope for the best. It slams into me and creates a massive explosion. I fall to the ground dazed. I manage to regain my balance enough to land on the ground on my feet...
1752849845@facebook.aol 9:26 pm
I then fly with my power towards him, grab his hand and spin him and throw him to the outside of the tournament floor....
William Glancy 9:28 pm
I am unable to determine where I am going and land on the ground outside the arena...
1752849845@facebook.aol 9:32 pm
I the starts powering up, my aura grow with yellow and the earth behind my feet are cracking and a pices of rocks are flying, i then charge the ki into one single point i create the powerful whitish-yellow energy sphere which grow bigger and bigger , i shout BIG BANG ATTACK,i throw the powerful whitish-yellow energy sphere which fliest towards the Narcissis with great speed, destroying the ground in the proces.........
William Glancy 9:37 pm
"wow chill mate... You win and I am soo out of here..." I Instantaneously Movement myself to earth...

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Age : 32
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